Saturday, 25 September 2010


This is a short post before I head off to my first hockey match in I don't know how long! Yes that's right, I said 'hockey' not agility! Ella came into season just over 3 weeks ago, so I've had no agility partner to play with :(

However it's not all bad, hopefully we have a new adventure awaiting us - puppies! We've been planning to have a litter from Ella all along, but with me having children of my own the timing hasn't been quite right. Now she's 4 1/2 (where does the time go?!) though and we don't want her to be any older her first litter, so having carefully selected a stud dog we've gone for it! The boy in question is Harrjak Tigger (Tigs to his friends), a handsome black and white dog who carries the red gene. Watch this space! :)

The happy couple :)
Today I'm grateful for my husband for giving me time to myself this morning to get bits and pieces together.

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